I was not able to find the version info of VFVS and VFTools, but I git cloned in the past week (i.e. Oct, 2021)
I am trying to follow the VFVS Tutorial1 (Tutorial1).
The VFVS run completed successfully and I am trying to extract the docking poses of the first 100 top ranks in the The completed workflow
The first step is to run
vfvs_pp_ranking_all.sh ../../output-files/complete/ 2 meta_tranche
from the pp/ranking dir, and it completed successfully.
In the next step created pp/docking_poses/qvina02_rigid_receptor1
dir and from there issued
head -n 100 ../../ranking/qvina02_rigid_receptor1/firstposes.all.minindex.sorted.clean > compounds
Which also completed successfully
$ head -6 compounds
GACEBG_00000 Z2624037004_3 -10.3 1
GACEBG_00000 Z2624037004_4 -10.3 1
GACEBG_00000 Z2087256678_1 -9.8 1
GACEBG_00000 Z2087260951_2 -9.8 1
GACEBG_00000 Z2087260951_4 -9.8 1
GACECF_00000 PV-001701895824_1 -9.8 1
The problem happens in the next step, and I have attached the output of this command
vfvs_pp_prepare_dockingposes.sh ../../../output-files/complete/qvina02_rigid_receptor1/results/ meta_collection compounds dockingsposes overwrite
docking_poses_error.txt (53.8 KB)
Studying the vfvs_pp_prepare_dockingposes.sh
I hve the following observations:-
Line 49-50:
# Variables
Line 123-131:
elif [ "${format}" == "meta_collection" ]; then
if ! cp ../../../../${results_folder}/${metatranch}/${tranch}/${collection_no}.tar.gz ./; then
if ! cp ../../../..${results_folder/commplete/incomplete}/${metatranch}/${tranch}/${collection_no}.tar.gz ./; then
echo " * Error, skipping this ligand"
cd ../../../../
Are the relative paths in the lines 125 and 126 correct?
Edit: I see in line 84-85
mkdir -p ${output_folder}/${tranch}/${collection_no}/${molecule}
cd ${output_folder}/${tranch}/${collection_no}/${molecule}
which makes the relative paths in line 125 and 126 correct.
But there is no ${results_folder}/${metatranch}/${tranch}/${collection_no}.tar.gz
in my case there is only ${results_folder}/${metatranch}/${tranch}.tar