Question about subjob running time on AWS Batch

Hi Community,

I am new to VFVS, and currently I can run the VFVS 2.0 on AWS Batch. May I have a quick quesiton

Why VFVS 2.0 not recommend we spend more time on each subjob, a subjob should take about 20 min to an hour for efficiency.

Below is the context:

I change dockings_per_subjobthis parameter in all.ctrl from 1000 to 3000 to extend the runtime of subjob.
Accordingly, I need to increase ContainerTimeout parameter from 2 hour to 8 hours.
“ParameterKey”: “ContainerTimeout”,
“ParameterValue”: “28800”
After those changes, the number of subjob decreased, meanwhile each job running time increase from ~ 10 minutes to ~37 minutes based on the AWS batch console UI.

Below contend in the default all.ctrl file:

Used as how many dockings should be processed per subjob. In general,
a subjob should take about 20 min to an hour for efficiency.
A reasonable number for this is generally 1000. The length of time
to process will depend on the docking scenarios run
