No access confirmation to AWS library in tutorial?

Hi all,

I went through the VFVS2 tutorial for slurm, but cannot get access to the library. Specifically at this point:

“After registration, you will receive an email typically within one working day, with the access information. Please note that an AWS Account is needed to get access to the library. If you do not have an AWS account, you might want to create one. Access to the library is free, and there are no costs associated with downloading/accessing it via AWS.”

I have received no such access email and its now been 5 days. Can somebody advise if this is should still be working or has this died?



Dear Phil,

Thank you for your interest in VirtualFlow as well as for your patience. As VirtualFlow 2 is still in the pre-publication stage and as this is a non-commercial open source project, answers and approval can take some time.

You should now have received the approval email.

We hope you will enjoy using VirtualFlow and its libraries, and that they will help you in your research.

All the best,

Thanks for the link which provided an AWS S3 access point which ends with -s3alias.

However, and excuse my complete ignorance, it’s not clear to me how to use this to access the bucket (ie. in the all.ctrl script the parameter “object_store_data_bucket”) because according to AWS - " The -s3alias suffix is reserved for access point alias names and can’t be used for bucket or access point names"

Can anyone help me out on this?


Hi Phil,

I’m wondering if you figured out how to access the library from the tutorial from your personal AWS S3 access point alias. I was looking at this example in the AWS S3 docs,, to list objects in the bucket using the personal AWS S3 access point alias I was provided, but I’m getting an “Access Denied” error. I have the AmazonS3FullAccess policy for my IAM user under the associated Account ID.

Any insights or tips would be greatly appreciated! If I can’t resolve it, I’ll post this as a separate thread, but I wanted to ask here first since I have the same question.

ETA Nevermind! Slept on it and realized the access point is just specified on the all.ctrl file.

Thank you!