In preconfigured tutorial1,it doesn't run after submitting jobs?

    ::  ::  ::  ::::. :::::: ::  ::  .::::.  ::      :::::  ::    .::::. ::      ::
    ::  ::  ::  :: ::   ::   ::  ::  ::  ::  ::      ::     ::    ::  :: ::  ::  ::
     ::::   ::  :::.    ::   ::  ::  ::::::  ::      :::::  ::    ::  ::  ::::::::
      ::    ::  :: ::   ::    ::::   ::  ::  ::::    ::     ::::: '::::'   ::  ::

Syncing the jobfile of jobline 1 with the controlfile file …/…/workflow/control/all.ctrl.
Syncing the jobfile of jobline 2 with the controlfile file …/…/workflow/control/all.ctrl.
Syncing the jobfile of jobline 3 with the controlfile file …/…/workflow/control/all.ctrl.
Syncing the jobfile of jobline 4 with the controlfile file …/…/workflow/control/all.ctrl.

Submitted batch job 6
The job for jobline 1 has been submitted at Sat Jun 8 08:59:36 AM CST 2024.

Submitted batch job 7
The job for jobline 2 has been submitted at Sat Jun 8 08:59:37 AM CST 2024.

Submitted batch job 8
The job for jobline 3 has been submitted at Sat Jun 8 08:59:38 AM CST 2024.

Submitted batch job 9
The job for jobline 4 has been submitted at Sat Jun 8 08:59:39 AM CST 2024.

~/vf/VFVS_GK/tools# ./ -c workflow

:: :: :: ::::. :::::: :: :: .::::. :: ::::: :: .::::. :: ::
:: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
:::: :: :::. :: :: :: :::::: :: ::::: :: :: :: ::::::::
:: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :: :::: :: ::::: ‘::::’ :: ::

                              Sat Jun  8 09:01:31 CST 2024

                                     Workflow Status



Number of jobfiles in the workflow/jobfiles/main folder: 4
Number of joblines in the batch system: 7
Number of joblines in the batch system currently running: 0

  • Number of joblines in queue “test” currently running: 0
    Number of joblines in the batch system currently not running: 7

  • Number of joblines in queue “test” currently not running: 7
    Number of cores/slots currently used by the workflow: 0


Total number of ligand collections: 68
Number of ligand collections completed: 0
Number of ligand collections in state “processing”: 0
Number of ligand collections not yet started: 68

                             Ligands (in completed collections)

Total number of ligands: 1123
Number of ligands started: 0
Number of ligands successfully completed: 0
Number of ligands failed: 0

                            Dockings (in completed collections)

Docking runs per ligand: 2
Number of dockings started: 0
Number of dockings successfully completed: 0
Number of dockings failed: 0

the sinfo information is here:
test* up infinite 1 idle XXXXXXXXXXXXX

tth all.crtl setting is here :slight_smile:

One alphabetic character (i.e. a letter from a-z or A-Z)

Should not be changed during runtime, and be the same for all joblines

Required when running VF several times on the same cluster to distinguish the jobs in the batchsystem

Settable via range control files: No


Possible values: SLURM, TOQRUE, PBS, LSF, SGE

Settable via range control files: No


Partitions are also called queues in some batchsystems

Settable via range control files: Yes


Format for slurm: dd-hh:mm:ss

Format for TORQUE and PBS: hh:mm:ss

Format for SGE: hh:mm:ss

Format for LSF: hh:mm

For all batchsystems: always fill up with two digits per field (used be the job scripts)

Settable via range control files: Yes


Not (yet) available for LSF and SGE (is always set to 1)

Should not be changed during runtime, and be the same for all joblines

Settable via range control files: Yes


Sets the slurm cpus-per-task variable (task = step) in SLURM

In LSF this corresponds to the number of slots per node

Should not be changed during runtime, and be the same for all joblines

Not yet available for SGE (always set to 1)

Settable via range control files: Yes


Sets the number of queues/processes per step

Should not be changed during runtime, and be the same for all joblines

Not yet available for SGE (always set to 1)

Settable via range control files: Yes


Should be equal or higher than <cpus-per-step/queues-per-step>

Should not be changed during runtime, and be the same for all joblines

Not yet available for SGE (always set to 1)

Settable via range control files: Yes

Can anyone tell me what is wrong with it, and how to correct
thanks al lot!!!