Errors in Job Output logfiles


I’m trying a few different ways to get VirtualFlow 1.0 to work on my LSF batch system, but I’m unable to even get the VFVS_GK example to work out of the box. I’m preparing things according to the tutorial using this example, but I’m getting some errors that appear to prevent even the ligands collections from processing. I’ve output a stderr file to track where errors come up, but I’m getting two in particular:

  1. line 98: 10#locked: value too great for base (error token is “10#locked”) → this one appears to be similar to someone else’s post I commented on about an output of a todo.all.locked file in the /tools/helpers directory, which is also happening to me. It’s also possibly related to these two lines:
    ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘./todo.all.locked’: File exists
    wc: todo.all.locked: No such file or directory

    • bash …/workflow/job-files/sub/
      Error was trapped
      Error in bash script
      Error on line 1

The first line of actual code in the file appears to just be the start of the error response function:
error_response_std() {

Does anyone have knowledge of or any experience with resolving this error?

job-4.1_135939463.err (15.3 KB)