Hi team,
I am a great fan of your open-source initiative.
Could you please grant me access to the Enamine REAL Space with 69B molecules. A few days ago, I used the form on Log in | VirtualFlow to provide my AWS account, yet no answer to my inbox so far.
Thanks very much,
I also am trying to get access, we submitted the request 2 weeks ago and the submission page said access could be given in 1 working day. We have also attempted to contact you through the email listed on the AWS bucket. Any advice on gaining access @Christoph ?
I’m having the same problem. I also tried the no AWS account command that is listed on the aws market place (AWS Marketplace: VirtualFlow Ligand Libraries) but it did not work.
Hi Yann,
The access will be open when the peer-reviewed paper is published.
In the meantime you may ask @Christoph to join an ‘early-access program’ for the S3 bucket.
Best, Oliv
Thanks a lot for your answer. Should i email him directly ?
Best, Yann
Yes. And be patient. Best, O
As suggested in the VFVS 2.0 tutorial for AWS, I have requested access but haven’t received an e-mail since 1 week. PLease let me know, if I need to do anything further. :
object_store_data_bucket Bucket name for the input collection data. In this tutorial, we use the Enamine REAL Space with 69B molecules. To obtain the bucket, you need to request access on the following page of the VirtualFlow homepage (at the bottom of the page): Log in | VirtualFlow After registration, you will receive an email typically within one working day, with the access information. Please note that an AWS Account is needed to get access to the library. If you do not have an AWS account, you might want to create one. Access to the library is free, and there are no costs associated with downloading/accessing it via AWS. "
Kind regards,